The Botswana Netball Association was formed in the late seventies and the sport Netball is played mainly by women. The Association for now has two zones thus, Southern and Northern zones. The majority of teams are in the northern part of the country. Committees comprising of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Officer and two additional members, man these zones.
A girl child plays netball basically from young and tender age, at primary school level. Men used to assist as coaches, administrators and officials but of late men’s team has been incorporated thus making netball gender neutral. Netball is found in all Primaries, Community Junior, and senior secondary schools as well as at Tertiary level.
The Association is manned by an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Marketing Officer, Development Officer and Recording Secretary. All the above are volunteers who are doing all the tasks during their own spare time.
The Association has a mammoth task of training people at all these levels as the mother body. The Association as an affiliate of IFNA and a member of COSANA has the intention of trying to have netball controlled by it to avoid rule breaking and also to show respect to the game of netball.
The other structures are Umpires and Coaches Committees. These areas too need a lot of training and should always have refresher courses to keep up to the growing standard of netball. So far there are seven COSANA graded Umpires, one A grade, two B grade, three C+ grade and ten C grade Umpires. The Association also has 30 local graded umpires who match the South African standard of umpiring. There are also 22 locally trained Coaches who are certified by Netball South Africa.
The Executive Committee meets once a month to plan the activities of the association. The Executive Committee is elected once in two years at the associations Annual General Meeting that is held once every year.
Netball shall be the number one code at all levels in the country by 2012 in the achievement of quality results locally, regionally and internationally.
Mission Statement
Botswana Netball Association exists to provide a platform for recreation and meaningful competition through highly qualified personnel, partnership and teamwork.
Aims and Objectives
To promote the game of Netball in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the International Netball Association;
- To implant sports awareness in Botswana.
- To introduce a game where women seek their national group to foster national identity.
- To develop and encourage the sportsmanship and cooperation amongst Netball Clubs.
- To develop an effective structure for administering Netball at zonal and national levels.
- To assist affiliates which in the opinion of the Association are in need of assistance in the form of finance, training/coaching, transport, and personnel or in any other area where assistance may be deemed necessary.
Malebo Raditladi Oteng Masole Seipei Gaelesiwe Kgololesego Freedom Diraditsile Onicah Letshwenyo-Ramocha Theresa Hirschfeld Masego Serumola |
Pres. Vice Pres - Tech Vice Pres - Projects & Events Secretary General Treasurer Marketing & PRO Sport Development Officer